Human Flower Project

Orrington, MAINE USA

flag flower bed

parker basket thumb
Princeton, MAINE USA

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Name that Bloom


A mystery….

From a kind reader in Portugal this morning:

I admire your Human flower project immensely, can you please help me to identify this flower.



Thank you, Rosa. We admire your photograph immensely and confess we’ve never seen anything quite like this. Very electric—brainy.

Could the botanists please step in here? Not sure whether Rosa’s flower is Portuguese, but we’ll send this off to our friends at Dias com Arvores to eyeball, and to Daniel Mosquin of the UBC Botanical Garden’s Botany Photo of the Day. He’s seen it all.

Were we “the decider” we’d call it Fizzo. We’re not. So the search is on….

Posted by Julie on 10/26 at 02:15 PM
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