Human Flower Project

Orrington, MAINE USA

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Princeton, MAINE USA

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blooms for the Pope in Angola

Floral gifts for honored guests need not always be corsages or bouquets.


A young admirer holds out a floral welcome to the Pope

Luanda, Angola, March 21, 2009.

Photo: Reuters

Greeting foreign dignitaries with flowers is a custom in many parts of the world, both honorific and disarming. A floral welcome strikes a magic balance by confronting power with simple delicacy.

With local variations, the gesture takes on cultural significance, depth, as with these floral greetings for Pope Benedict XVI in Angola.

A bold, smiling girl stuck a dramatic red blossom (proteas?) under the pontiff’s nose last Saturday, March 21,  before the Pope addressed a youth gathering in Luanda. Can you imagine this in the Netherlands or Polynesia?

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Posted by Julie on 03/27 at 05:31 PM
Culture & SocietySecular CustomsPermalink